Pacific States Environmental Contractors, Inc. (PSEC) specializes in design-bid-build, construction management, general contracting, materials management, disaster-related debris removal, and environmental remediation.
Remaining a financially robust entity since 1996, and having weathered the myriad economic down-turns and financial environments that have proven the undoing of other contracting companies, PSEC has not only survived these challenges, but has grown at a rate that surpasses the industry average. Our ability to incorporate the financial certainty of performance into the overall project package adds a depth of surety not enjoyed by our competitors. This is reflected in our bond rates, our cost-of-money, and in the size and complexity of projects we can perform.
Pacific States Environmental Contractors enjoys a reputation for having the very highest caliber people in our employ who have experience in the broadest range of projects imaginable. Our Team is not only able to bring this expertise to bear on any project that we undertake, but…
Consolidation of the Carpenter Road Landfill for the City of Modesto. Over 400,000 CY of landfill debris excavated and placed in a new consolidation cell creating a new stormwater basin.